We offer a good quality website design that helps clients to effectively pick, choose and order your products online. Millions of people search the internet looking for products or services, which you may have but would be unable to reach you in the absence of a richly designed, professional website.
Ayan Infotech making a website look good is important but making it user friendly and accessible is paramount to a websites success. The prettiest website on the block is a failure if the user can't find what they're looking for quickly and easily!
Our design process is very interactive, we love to get you involved to ensure that your website is a true reflection of your vision. Of course we may nudge you in the right direction. Our web consultants hold your hand and guide you through the process, thereby making the whole-experience customer-friendly, cost-effective and stress-free.
Responsive Webdesign is a way of building websites that are highly functional on wide range of desktops & provide “app-like” experiences on mobile, iphone.
Today most of the website design Responsive, Responsive web design is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience, easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling across a wide range of devices, from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones.
Full responsive web design adapting your layout to every screen. Responsive design sites offer other benefits besides being less expensive to maintain and requiring a single code base. While Clients goals should be to ensure that every user, no matter what device they are accessing a site from has a good experience. However, this is not always the reality with responsive design, with tablet experiences often faring better than smartphone ones.
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